Plan your career goals for the new year now

Plan your career goals for the new year now!

What are your career goals for next year? If you wait until January, you’ve already lost a month. Get started now. Looking for your first job? Going for a promotion? Career’s not just right for you, so you need to make a switch? Haven’t had the time to work on these projects, but need to make the time?

These are all lofty goals, but very important and doable. If you take the time to reach them. Start planning now to create a well thought-out plan to reach your important goals.

1. Start with the big idea: What’s my ultimate ideal outcome?
2. Then, break it into smaller pieces: What needs to happen first, second, third, etc.
3. Make it measurable: What are my milestones for each step?
4. Associate a cost to it: How much money, time or effort am I willing to spend on this step?

I personally take the time to work on my business, not just in my business. I schedule an hour a week to do this, and stick to certain projects I want to finish that relate to my own personal development or business ideas. That’s one way. Some people need to do a “deep dive” into this type of work, so find what approach is right for you.

Don’t wait until January to plan your career goals for the new year. Get ready, get set, and plan those career goals for next year now!

View Julie LaCroix, M.A. Ed.'s profile on LinkedIn

Julie LaCroix, M.A.,  has a private practice in Newport Beach, CA,  which serves adults of all ages looking for help with how they got “stuck” in their careers.  Maybe it’s the wrong job, maybe it’s the wrong field altogether.  Or maybe you just don’t know what else is out there.  Her practice is designed to help you, wherever you are in your career journey. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from UCI and an M.A. in Educational Clinical Counseling from Azusa Pacific University.  Email Julie at