Individual Guidance

Your emerging professionals are busy helping you manage positions, but are they managing their careers and the way others perceive them? With limited opportunities in this industry to “move up,” I offer solutions to enhancing individual performance, raising self awareness, and uncovering hidden talents that lead to profitability.

Examples of customized one-to-one guidance:

  • Goal Setting and Motivation
  • Communication Skill Building
  • Presentation Skills
  • Working Across Generational Differences
  • Productivity
  • Workplace ettiquette and “Netiquette”

I believe a win-win relationship between you and your Millennial workers. This lies in the optimal alignment of their values and abilities to produce job satisfaction and in turn, give you peak productivity. If you have employees suffering from malaise or lacking productivity or focus, perhaps I can bring you some solutions.

Sample 1-month individual career counseling program:

Week 1: Intake and initial assessment

Week 2: Values assessment

Week 3: Goal setting

Week 4: Implementation plan

Deliverable: Write-up with specific recommendations to increase adjustment and productivity